22 thoughts on “Summiting Stok Kangri video diary”
Feeeett kompis!! Blev det någon bra utsikt senare? Måste varit sjukt tunn luft där uppe. Climb on Nudels 😉
> 6000möh, bra där! Starkt jobbat Tim!
Hej Tim, det är ingen vidare utsikt, men kul att du har gjort det. Vi hat kollat i Vesuvio krater härom dagen, inte så högt så klart, men kul, det med.Ha det bra, kram moster o Henner
Häftigt Tim! Fantastiska bilder som vanligt, fortsätt så 🙂
Sicken kung 😀 riktigt fint att se!
Thanks for innorducitg a little rationality into this debate.
Loved this post.I was a bit unsure about the partner part…but I really appreciate your sentiments. I think it is vital to have a partner/mentor who’s been there and gone through the process to provide advice and a little objectivity.Steve Rice recently posted..
I am really excited about a shiny red horn cabinet….what is with that wood effect, its so 70's…but in a bad way!!! I bought a white horn cabinet…it's has a cheap dental clinic feel to it…which is only marginally better than a bad 70's look!
saludo a todos pero es increible lo que voy a decir mi bebe es loca con ese perrito lo ves desde que tenia dos meses ahora tienes 5 meses … les encanta este perrito es lo maximo…
Haha! Oh, too true. That Murphy is one stone-cold SOB. My parents used to have that poster hanging in their bathroom. I was a cynic by age 6.I hope Chicky Baby is feeling better!
I can’t belivee I’ve been going for years without knowing that.
[The legislators responsible for AB 540 recognized that many undocumentedstudents who are products of California’s education system were broughthere as young children not knowing that they did not have proper legalstatus.]Their parents knew they were breaking the law. That’s what matters.
I am not sure if there is any truth to all this. So many charlatans have been caught by using the people's good faith. In some situations if a person is desperate, they will believe in anything. It is interesting that in many situations these so called experts can not solve their own personal problems like the woman going through so many divorces. If you have such special gifts to help others, you would think that you would have better judgement to choose your own partner.
Awesome. This showed how connected and how wonderful you both are for each other. Im proud of you and so happy that your special day was caught so perfectly. God Bless you!
You should have come Brandee, you can run!Kory and I loved the 5K! It was such a fun change up!Great job with the Snatches all you morning peeps!
Fabulous. A mutual friend, Sam Aaron, mentioned bumping into you both at Glastonbury but couldn’t remember Mary’s name. This post fixed that! Next time you are both over do tag on a Cambridge visit, though after Glastonbury a bath and a few days sleep was probably a higher priority! The yurt looks amazing, my daughter Meg’s dying to try one out, this post will make her jealous.
Feeeett kompis!! Blev det någon bra utsikt senare? Måste varit sjukt tunn luft där uppe. Climb on Nudels 😉
> 6000möh, bra där! Starkt jobbat Tim!
Hej Tim, det är ingen vidare utsikt, men kul att du har gjort det. Vi hat kollat i Vesuvio krater härom dagen, inte så högt så klart, men kul, det med.Ha det bra, kram moster o Henner
Häftigt Tim! Fantastiska bilder som vanligt, fortsätt så 🙂
Sicken kung 😀 riktigt fint att se!
Thanks for innorducitg a little rationality into this debate.
Pour moi le droit de vote est réservé aux français. Ceux que ça choque peuvent changer de pays… ou demander la nationnalité française. Ou est le problème ?
Loved this post.I was a bit unsure about the partner part…but I really appreciate your sentiments. I think it is vital to have a partner/mentor who’s been there and gone through the process to provide advice and a little objectivity.Steve Rice recently posted..
I am really excited about a shiny red horn cabinet….what is with that wood effect, its so 70's…but in a bad way!!! I bought a white horn cabinet…it's has a cheap dental clinic feel to it…which is only marginally better than a bad 70's look!
saludo a todos pero es increible lo que voy a decir mi bebe es loca con ese perrito lo ves desde que tenia dos meses ahora tienes 5 meses … les encanta este perrito es lo maximo…
Haha! Oh, too true. That Murphy is one stone-cold SOB. My parents used to have that poster hanging in their bathroom. I was a cynic by age 6.I hope Chicky Baby is feeling better!
I can’t belivee I’ve been going for years without knowing that.
[The legislators responsible for AB 540 recognized that many undocumentedstudents who are products of California’s education system were broughthere as young children not knowing that they did not have proper legalstatus.]Their parents knew they were breaking the law. That’s what matters.
I am not sure if there is any truth to all this. So many charlatans have been caught by using the people's good faith. In some situations if a person is desperate, they will believe in anything. It is interesting that in many situations these so called experts can not solve their own personal problems like the woman going through so many divorces. If you have such special gifts to help others, you would think that you would have better judgement to choose your own partner.
Miquel,Estoy encantada de que el cúmulo de casualidades – estaba haciendo tareas domésticas cuando oà el programa de Catalunya Rà dio – hiciera posible tu intervención en el programa. Te felicito por SITIO y por la iniciativa de participar en La Marató que habéis propuesto. Un abrazo.
Whoever edits and publishes these articles really knows what they’re doing.
Thank God! Sonmeoe with brains speaks!
I’m not worthy to be in the same forum. ROTFL
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Awesome. This showed how connected and how wonderful you both are for each other. Im proud of you and so happy that your special day was caught so perfectly. God Bless you!
You should have come Brandee, you can run!Kory and I loved the 5K! It was such a fun change up!Great job with the Snatches all you morning peeps!
Fabulous. A mutual friend, Sam Aaron, mentioned bumping into you both at Glastonbury but couldn’t remember Mary’s name. This post fixed that! Next time you are both over do tag on a Cambridge visit, though after Glastonbury a bath and a few days sleep was probably a higher priority! The yurt looks amazing, my daughter Meg’s dying to try one out, this post will make her jealous.