Inspiration from abroad:
Peter Gostelow Touringcyclist
Daisuke Nakanishi 11 years on the road
Alistar Humpreys Adventures and microadventures
Beat Heim Lots of road info on Tibet
Cyclists that I have meet:
Loretta Henderson Female solo cyclist from Canada Canadian couple on a cycling world tour Christian Bomio 55000km on the road so far
Charlie Walker on a 4 year long world tour, sneakt in to Tibet
Mike The backpacker who became a touring cyclist, great choice!
Jan and Jan Cycling couple I meet in Dali, thanks for the Karakoram documentary!
Bicycle Photography Grace Johnson and Paul Jeurissen, best bicycle touring photographys online
Jonatan Ver Helst Touring cyclist from Belgium I meet in Shangri-La
Corina and Philpp from Switzerland
Tone and Fia from Nederlands
Nico from France cycling from Japan to France, we cycled together in Yunnan
Delphine On a bike from Asia to France
Chris from UK, we cycled parts of KKH together
Julian cycling London to Kathmandu