This season I decided to walk alone into the Pamirs and Moskvina basecamp:
Later on I acclimatized on Korzhenevskaya mountain that I summited last season.
I did another acclimatization trip with the guides to put up fixed ropes on Kommunizma peak up to 6100m.
After all this I was ready for a summit attempt. We were a team of five people that climbed in a group and reached the summit as the first team of the season.

Summit of Peak Kommunizma (7495m) From left: Jörgen Farner (Norway), Tomek Kaźmierczak (Poland) and Arek Pawłowski (Poland) missing team mate Ivan Tomov, was already on his way down (Bulgaria)
In late August I will travel to Nepal and try to find a fair deal for Manaslu 8160m. If I can do that I will climb this mountain in late September,early October.
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